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Discard the flowers on Valentine's Day...

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February 7, 2014

Discard the flowers on Valentine's Day

28 January 2014: When Wanda van Gelderen started dating Douglas Churchyard in 2008, she heard nothing but praise about his British Military Fitness (BMF) classes. She was so inspired she joined Douglas to take up the unique and fun outdoor classes. Fast forward six years, they are now married and still attending classes three times per week.  

Douglas had initially experienced BMF at Guildford in June 2004 but once sessions started at Brooklands Park he moved classes, as they were closer to home. It was at this venue that Wanda joined Douglas in 2011 to get outdoors and get in shape.

Speaking of their BMF experiences, Wanda and Douglas said, “We both love the sessions at BMF. We go together and we are always encouraging each other but because of our different levels of ability we don’t often work together. This is good because we have both met a lot of likeminded people who we have become friends with; BMF is an incredibly social organisation.”

The couple continued, “If you exercise as a couple you are more likely to get out of bed for a 9am weekend session or get off the sofa on an evening if you know your partner is ready to go.”

When asked how much of an impact British Military Fitness has had on his fitness Douglas said, “I have enjoyed BMF so much that it has inspired me to complete in various exercise challenges. In previous years I have completed the Grim Series, Tough Mudder and BMF’s very own Major Series. This year I have signed up for the Grim Beast and Tough Mudder challenges again and I am also going to have a crack at the Nuts Challenge. Before I started training with British Military Fitness there was no way I could have completed the challenges. I am very proud of what Wanda and I have been able to achieve as a result. Whatever the weather can throw at us the two of us put in 100% at every session we attend”

Discard the traditional flowers and choclate and challenge yourself, your partner, husband or wife to get out and get active this Valentine's day. It might just be the winning receipe...