BMF Blog


Written by Be Military Fit | 08-Apr-2021 15:30:49

BMF Warwick and Birmingham Instructor, Arian Van Helden will be running a 1mile loop of Warwick for 24 hours straight on the 10th April to thank his NHS members for all of their hard work and support throughout COVID-19. He will be fundraising and gifting his NHS members with an evening out  with a restaurant meal (Covid permitting of course). To donate to this fantastic cause, please click this link below.
Arian's Story
"While doing endurance events, your mind comes up with the most amazing, weird, funny, stupid, thrilling, interesting, and crazy ideas!
In the recent 'David Goggins' 4x4x48', an event that requires you to run 4 miles every 4 hours for 48 hours, I figured it would be a great idea to run the 1-mile loop of our home park in Warwick for 24 hours. David Goggins', former Navy S.E.A.L. and ultra-event athlete started the 4x4x48 in 2020 as a charity run. It turned out to be a great success and people from all over the world followed his lead, raising money for a charity to their liking. It will be an annual event, so if you'd like a challenge, keep your eyes out for next year's opportunity.
With all the time in the world to think, while running multiple 4-milers, I soon realised that it would be awesome to gift my members that work for the NHS a nice evening out and a restaurant meal, once the circumstances will allow for that. I've heard many stories about their workload the past year and besides that, they've run a significantly bigger risk to themselves to support the public. Working from home, home-schooling, anti-social conditions, being furloughed, business struggles and many other things have required us to adapt and overcome. But certain groups of key workers had to put themselves in second or third place and pause their private life completely. And for that, I think, we need to say thank you!
There was not much time for you to home-school your children, not much time to discuss family-affairs with your spouse and offspring, no time to take your foot of the gas pedal, and no time to do BMF, there was no time to unload. You've come home many evenings, late, exhausted, having dealt with Covid patients or Covid related issues all day, to start it all again the next day. This has put a lot of pressure and stress on you and your family, and I can only hope that you've come out in 'one piece' and healthy!
When 'the dust has settled' my NHS members deserve a great meal together and that's why I am going to put myself through my paces. 
10th April 2021 - St Nick's 1-mile loop - 24 hours
Now, St Nicholas Park is a fairly flat area, so as a Dutchman I'll be like a fish in the water. How bad can it be? 😬
Would you like to sponsor me with a little donation? Any support great or small is highly appreciated. Please, follow this link
Do you like gambling? If you want to inflict me with more pain, you can also text me the words "I am in!" and your full name on 07393 590 629 to sponsor me for 10 pence per loop!
You're now wondering how many loops that crazy Dutchy can do in 24 hours. Are you in?"